List of ETrun cvars.


Name Value Default Description
etr_drawBannerPrint 0,1 1 Draw banners. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_bannerPrintX 0-640 320 Banner horizontal position. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_bannerPrintY 0-480 20 Banner vertical position. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.


Name Value Default Description
etr_drawCGaz 0,1,2,3,4 0 Draw CGaz. Various types are available. Use 0 to disable.
etr_realCGaz2 0,1 0 Adjust CGaz 2 for widescreen display. Introduced in ETrun 1.4.0.
etr_CGazX 0-640 320 CGaz horizontal position. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_CGazY 0-640 240 CGaz vertical position. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_CGaz2Color1 string Red CGaz 2 primary color. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_CGaz2Color2 string Cyan CGaz 2 secondary color. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.


Name Value Default Description
cg_chatX 0-640 130 Chat horizontal position. Introduced in ETrun 1.4.0.
cg_chatY 0-480 478 Chat vertical position. Introduced in ETrun 1.4.0.
cg_chatHeight 0-8 8 Height of the chat. Introduced in ETrun 1.4.0.


Name Value Default Description
etr_drawCheckPoints 0,1 1 Display checkpoints times.
etr_checkPointsX 0-640 320 Checkpoints horizontal position.
etr_checkPointsY 0-480 435 Checkpoints vertical position.
etr_maxCheckPoints integer 5 Maximum number of checkpoints displayed.
etr_autoLoadCheckpoints 0,1 0 Automatically load checkpoints from PB. Player must be logged in.
etr_checkPointsColor1 string White Checkpoints neutral color. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_checkPointsColor2 string Green Checkpoints color for faster runs. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_checkPointsColor3 string Red Checkpoints color for slower runs. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.


Name Value Default Description
cg_drawClock 0,1 1 Display a clock.


Name Value Default Description
etr_autoDemo 0,1 0 Enable recording demos automatically.
etr_keepAllDemos 0,1 1 Keep all demos or only demos for PB records.
etr_autoDemoStopDelay integer 1500 Set delay in ms before demo is stopped. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_autoDemoPrints 0,1 1 Print demo messages. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.


Name Value Default Description
etr_onRunStart string "" Command(s) to trigger when a run starts . Introduced in ETrun 1.4.0.
etr_onRunStop string "" Command(s) to trigger when a run stops . Introduced in ETrun 1.4.0.

Info panel

Name Value Default Description
etr_drawInfoPanel 0,1 1 Display info panel.
etr_infoPanelXoffset 0-640 0 Info panel horizontal position offset.
etr_infoPanelYoffset 0-480 0 Info panel vertical position offset.
etr_infoPanelColor1 string White Info panel neutral color. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_infoPanelColor2 string Red Info panel color for slower jump speeds. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_minStartSpeed integer 0 Minimum start speed desired. If unmet, speeds are printed (new in ETrun 2.0.0). Use 0 to disable. Introduced in ETrun 1.2.0.

Note: etr_minStartSpeed is reset to 0 at every new game session.


Name Value Default Description
etr_viewLog 0,1 0 Enable displaying the game console in a separate window from the main game window.


Name Value Default Description
etr_noclipSpeed integer 1000 Set movement speed while using /noclip command.


Name Value Default Description
etr_pickupPrints 0,1 1 Print pickup messages. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.

Player model

Name Value Default Description
etr_hideOthers 0,1 1 Hide other player models.
etr_hideRange integer 128 Distance expressed in game units where other player models should be hidden.
etr_hideMe 0,1 0 Hide your player model from other players.

Player position control

Name Value Default Description
etr_loadViewAngles 0,1 1 Enable restoring player view angles when loading its position.
etr_loadWeapon 0,1 1 Enable restoring player weapon when loading its position.
etr_autoLoad 0,1 1 Enable automatically restoring player position when he gets killed.


Name Value Default Description
etr_numPopups 0-16 5 Maximum number of popups to display.
etr_popupTime integer 0 Delay (msec) between popups.
etr_popupStayTime integer 2000 Time (msec) a popup stays on screen before fading out.
etr_popupFadeTime integer 2500 Time (msec) a popup takes to fade out.
etr_popupGrouped 0,1,2 2 Group popups. Use 2 to disable console printouts for repeating popups. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_drawPopups 0,1 2 Draw popups. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_popupX 0-640 4 Popups horizontal position. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_popupY 0-480 360 Popups vertical position. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.

Pressed keys

Name Value Default Description
etr_drawKeys 0,1,2,3 4 Display pressed keys. Display various types according to value.
etr_keysX 0-640 572 Keys horizontal position.
etr_keysY 0-480 210 Keys vertical position.
etr_keysSize integer 64 Control size of displayed keys.

Run timer

Name Value Default Description
etr_drawTimer 0,1 1 Display a run timer.
etr_timerX 0-640 320 Run timer horizontal position.
etr_timerY 0-480 420 Run timer vertical position.
etr_timerColor1 string White Timer neutral color. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_timerColor2 string Green Timer color for faster runs. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_timerColor3 string Red Timer color for slower runs. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.


Name Value Default Description
etr_countryFlags 0,1 0 Display country flags on scoreboard (server needs to support GeoIP).


Name Value Default Description
etr_specLock 0,1 0 Enable persistant speclock.

Spectator state

Name Value Default Description
etr_drawSpectatorState 0,1 1 Draw spectator state. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_spectatorStateX 0-640 320 Spectator state horizontal position. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_spectatorStateY 0-480 80 Spectator state vertical position. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_spectatorStateColor string White Spectator state color. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.

Note: Spectator state also draws noclip state.

Speed meter

Name Value Default Description
etr_drawSpeedMeter 0,1 1 Display a speed meter.
etr_speedMeterX 0-640 320 Speed meter horizontal position.
etr_speedMeterY 0-480 220 Speed meter vertical position.
etr_speedMeterColor1 string White Speed meter neutral color. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_speedMeterColor2 string Green Speed meter color for negative acceleration. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_speedMeterColor3 string Red Speed meter color for positive acceleration. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_drawAccel 0,1 0 Color speed meter according to player acceleration. Introduced in ETrun 1.4.0.
etr_accelSmoothness integer 100 Sensitivity of the cg_drawAccel cvar. Introduced in ETrun 1.4.0.


Name Value Default Description
etr_drawStatusline 0,1 1 Draw demo statusline. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_statuslineX 0-640 0 Statusline horizontal position. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_statuslineY 0-480 9 Statusline vertical position. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_statuslineColor string White Statusline color. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.

Surface detection

Name Value Default Description
etr_drawOB 0,1 0 Display OverBounce detector.
etr_OBX 0-640 318 OverBounce detector horizontal position. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_OBY 0-480 230 OverBounce detector vertical position. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_OBColor string White OverBounce detector color. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_drawSlick 0,1 0 Display slick surface detector.
etr_slickX 0-640 309 Slick surface detector horizontal position. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_slickY 0-480 230 Slick surface detector vertical position. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_slickColor string White Slick surface detector color. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0. API authentication

Name Value Default Description
etr_authToken string "" Player authentification token for API.
etr_autoLogin 0,1 0 Enable automatic player login.

Triggers visibility

Name Value Default Description
etr_drawTriggers 0,1,2 1 Make triggers visible using custom shaders. Use 0 to disable. Introduced in ETrun 1.4.0.
etr_triggersDrawScale float -0.5 Apply a factor to the size of triggers. Introduced in ETrun 1.4.0.
etr_triggersDrawEdges float -0.5 Make trigger edges visible. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.

Possibles values for etr_drawTriggers are listed below.

Value What is displayed
0 None
1 ETrun Triggers
2 Debug (all Triggers)

Velocity Snapping HUD

Name Value Default Description
etr_drawVelocitySnapping 0,1,2 0 Draw Velocity Snapping HUD. Various types are available. Use 0 to disable. Introduced in ETrun 1.4.0.
etr_velocitySnappingH integer 8 Velocity Snapping HUD height. Introduced in ETrun 1.4.0.
etr_velocitySnappingY 0-480 240 Velocity Snapping HUD vertical position. Introduced in ETrun 1.4.0.
etr_velocitySnappingFov integer 120 Velocity Snapping Field Of View. Introduced in ETrun 1.4.0. 
etr_velocitySnapping1Color1 string 0.4 0 0 0.5 Velocity Snapping 1 primary color. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_velocitySnapping1Color2 string 0 0.4 0.4 0.5 Velocity Snapping 1 secondary color. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.
etr_velocitySnapping2Color string White Velocity Snapping 2 color. Introduced in ETrun 2.0.0.


Name Value Default Description
etr_widescreenSupport 0,1 1 Enable widescreen display. Introduced in ETrun 1.4.0.
etr_realFov 0,1 0 Enable widescreen Field Of View. Introduced in ETrun 1.4.0.